To All,
While Mike and I were traipsing through Market Basket yesterday, I spotted a fruit that was new to me. It looked like a big, mis-shapen orange with a pebbly green peel. The store placard called it Unique, and the label on the fruit called it Uniq. I decided to go for all the gusto and get one. I ate it at lunch today.
To preserve the sense of adventure, I did not google it before eating. (I did let Mike know when I was about to eat it so that, if anything untoward happened, he could point the investigators in the right direction.) Since it looked like an orange, I peeled it like an orange, except that instead of quartering it I sixthed it because of its size. When peeled, it looked like a big, pale orange. I easily divided it into segments, and with some difficulty maneuvered one of the monster segments into my mouth. In short, it was like an mediocre orange. It had a good bit of fiber, and there was no taste to speak of. There was one big seed in the entire fruit. A typical orange for me is just right for one sitting, but this behemoth was too much; I ate the whole thing but was stuffed.
My verdict: While I find the fruit visually appealing, at its exotic fruit price of $2, its nothing taste does not justify further purchases.
After eating, I googled it and found that it is a cross between a mandarin orange and a grapefruit that was accidentally created in Jamaica in 1914. (Accidental crosses have given us other plants, e.g., the loganberry.) Unfortunately, the cross created not a super fruit but an oversized and insipid orange.
Fruit Explorer